Opening Times: IGNITE closes on Friday December 20th 2024 and re-opens on Thursday January 2nd 2025.

A vibrant and dynamic meeting space

IGNITE (Innovate, Grow, Navigate, Ideas, Technology, Entrepreneurship) is a free to use business and enterprise hub located in ground floor units 3 and 4 of the i10 office and retail complex at the heart of Wolverhampton city centre’s transport Interchange.
IGNITE provides entrepreneurs, business start-ups, established growing SMEs, students and graduates with FREE bookable workspaces, resources and business support.

IGNITE has been developed by City of Wolverhampton Council, in partnership with Black Country Chamber of Commerce and University of Wolverhampton, to support business growth in the city.

Start your free membership NOW which will give you immediate access to booking and using the facilities.

Find out more...

What IGNITE offers

Sign-up to become a member now for access to;

Free access to co-working and meeting space to encourage collaborative working.
Vibrant and dynamic meeting space for small events, training and mentoring activities.
Free membership to anyone interested in entrepreneurship no matter what your ability
Networking opportunities with like-minded individuals.
Improving digital skills and online acceleration and growth, utilising 5G and cyber enabled opportunities.
Training in core skills to help local people be ‘job ready’
Support for local businesses.
Open Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm.
FREE workspaces to create, innovate and grow.
Become a member for free and start to use the available workspace
Book a workspace